Indonesia Participating Youth of 41st SSEAYP

Faturachman Alputra

Faturachman Alputra Sudirman (born in Kendari,  January 14, 1992) hold Master degree in International Relations from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, and a degree in International Relations from University of Muhammadyah Malang. As a student, he was actively involved in various organization for his interest and talent. In 2011he got a chance to participate in various education program represented his university as cultural exchange program in Thailand. Fatur interested with International relations and political issues, some of his idea about the issues was written in article and published in some of national and local media in Indonesia. Fatur’s publications include “Toward ASEAN Community 2015” published in Suara Karya Newspaper. Fatur who derived from Kolaka, a small town in Southeast Sulawesi Province has a big motivation to continue his education as high as possible, as long as has chance to achieve it, according this man who was inspired by  A. Fuadi and Anis Baswedan believes that education is the escalator for economic and social changes and for success of a nation. Principles held in his life that the sweetness of life is after the struggle.
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