Indonesia Participating Youth of 41st SSEAYP

RR Hasthi Nuroktriana Mispawanti

There is a girl who soon to be a woman. She has grown up in Yogyakarta, a warm place to live. She has a quite long real name, namely Raden Rara Hasthi Nuroktriana Mispawanti, then she dediced to shorten her name in some public places as Rara Mispawanti. Just call her Rara for short. Her father comes from a Javanese family and her mother comes from a Sundanese-Javanese family (Cirebon, West Java). Family means everything for her entire life. She believes in honesty and loyalty. So, if you need a friend to share and a trustworthy person just be one of her circle. It's not hard to do it so actually because what she does to you is a reflection of your behaviour towards her. In addition, she loves to share and learn many things with people. Don't hesitate to reach her because she would like to meet all of you now in a proper way :) or ask her to sing or join in youth movements because she loves to do it too!
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